About ten years ago I went on a date to a cooking class. I was just a teenager at the time, but I remember it like yesterday...
I was expecting the romantic, theatrical experience I had seen in movies. Sure we liked to cook, but that's not really why we were there. We just wanted to have a unique night out. Cook some cool stuff. Learn a thing or two. Maybe meet some new people. Just have fun.
I booked the only cooking class near me. Weird that there was only one to choose from, right?
When we showed up, I realized it would be far from the fun experience I expected. The kitchen felt more like an operating room; bright lights and dead silence. The instructor seemed bummed to even be there. We were pressured to buy gadgets the whole time and it felt like our entertainment was an afterthought. It was just... bad. I couldn't help but think "Boy, this could be so much better."
Then I looked around at the other guests and I could just tell they were all thinking the same thing. That's when the "aha!" moment happened. Cooking classes should be so much better... and I want to do it.
Ten years later, we did it; and we're still doing it today. At Stir, we're turning the idea of cooking classes upside down. We're building stunning studios, filling them with dynamic instructors, cooking interesting food, and delivering a compelling guest experience. That's what we're all about. Sounds pretty good, huh?
We couldn't find a cooking class that we liked, so we just made one for ourselves. We hope you'll like it too.
Maddie | Instructor
Caitlin | Director of Operations
Charlie | Founder + Owner
Sam | Resident Instructor

Meredith | Resident Instructor
Dustin | Resident Instructor
Jenna | Youngstirs Instructor